Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Do women age faster than men ?

Compared to men, do women age faster & mature earlier ?
As early as at the age of 36, hormone levels of women start to decline. Upon reaching menopause around the age of 50, hormone levels can have a significant effect on their appearance as they start to age.

What are the effects ?

1) Skin becomes less supple, leading to lines & wrinkles.
2) Breast shrink; fat deposit on the waist and abdoman.
3) Feeling of fatigue and tiredness.
4) Decrease in sexual interest.
5) Common symptoms, such as hot flush, mood swings.

Women have a higher risk of losing bone mass as compared to men.
After the age of 30, women start to lose about 1% of calcium in the body every year. The loss rate increases as they grow older, especially after menopause, reaching as high as 2-3% every year.

In term of maturity, a common saying that most 17-year-old females can function as adults whereas most 17-year-old males are still trading baseball cards and giving each other wedgies after gym class.

Is it the nurturing instincts of women that turn them into more responsible human beings early on in life as quoted by some reports?

Men, on the other hand, tend to have the natural need to be nurtured ?
Is this the beauty part of nature that creates this balance ? In fact, the differences between men and women are what make them a perfect combination.

What is your response on these differences ?

Read the following article by Saneesh Michael

Its not surprising therefore that men often find themselves attracted to women slightly older than they are. There is something enigmatic about mature women that they find irresistible. It is the same with women too; they prefer a slightly older life partner. It is from the feeling that a guy of the similar age may not be as mature as the women is, therefore they go for guys older than them to be equal in emotional status and maturity.

It is best to remember that getting older doesn't actually mean that one has wizened up with the years. There are some women who have the same concept about life as when they were younger. While maturity sometimes comes with age, not all women grasp this. Hence, maturity also is a byproduct of the struggles one has gone through in life and how these were handled either head-on or running in circles.

Experience, after all, is the best teacher, and until you get what you needed to learn, the lessons will keep repeating themselves to the point of driving you up the wall or downhill. Women in general, are better at this because they have the natural tendency to want to fix things as soon as something goes awry. Thus their chances of maturing faster is higher than men. They will also keep at it until everything is as near to perfection as possible. Their obsessive-compulsive tendencies to make everything okay whether at work, at home or anywhere else are something men will find annoying and endearing at the same time.

The supporters of male superiority say that men need more time to be mature enough because they possess a much more complex organism than women. But it is not a scientific fact; in terms of maturity both men and women possess equal physical status, but it is the social situations of the day today life that urges women to be mature faster than men.

Let me hear yours.