Sunday, June 21, 2009

Facebook Vanity URL Landrush launch

Facebook Vanity URL Landrush launched on 12 June 2009

“Landrush" is a term used to define the stampede of registrations when a registry opens to registrations. First Come, First Served.

More than 500,000 registered within the first 15 minutes and additionally more than 3 milillions people registered their Facebook usernames in the first 12 hours after the land rush began. It was an impressive launch with a big number of videos circulating Facebook Vanity URL landrush launch.

Were you up late racing to get your name on Facebook? Did you lose out to someone else?
Came across some interesting usernames such as :



Isn't these usernames interesting ? Share your comments about the registration and some interesting usernames with us. Welcome your comments.