Sunday, April 26, 2009

Want to work at Home

With advance information technology, working from home is realistic, possible, efficient and convenient. According to statistics, with the world entering the 21st century, more and more people wants to work from home. There are many reasons for it, however, 90% of them, it’s personally reason for doing so.

Reasons such as :
1) Time Control & Flexibility - determine your own working hours.
2) Control your income - you can determine how much you earn. The more effort you put in, the more you stand to earn.
3) Choose to do what you like to do.
4) No long hours travelling
5) More time to take care of the family.
6) No more being boss around, haha, and many more reasons

This dream can be achieved, the key to reaching it is to find a job that allows you to work from home. There is an upward trend during the last 2 years, an increased of 39% from 12.4million in 2006 to 17.2 millions in 2008, a survey by Worldatwork.

So, take baby steps, and I’m sure that you too can start making money working from home.

If working from home is really what you are looking for, Do a search in eg - Want to work from Home. There are lots of information and ideas from the internet.

Importantly once we are set to work from home, we need to be very focus and discipline. Ultimately it is up to you to work the advantages to benefit yourself. Trust yourself and stay focus!